AI in Society

Course image
zoom focus on a plant
Medium description

In this course, you will learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology functions within its societal context:

  • how AI changes society and social practices,
  • how it is used in institutional settings, and
  • what kind of societal level promises and challenges this technology poses.

The course does not require previous knowledge on AI or any other issues. It is useful for students of any discipline, as well as anyone else who is interested in understanding the societal impact of AI and how AI technology is changing our everyday life.

This course has been developed by the Partnership for Una Europa, the University of Helsinki, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

External platform sentence

This resource is hosted on an external learning platform.

  • Type of course
    Open Resource: openly licensed instructional digital materials such as text, videos, audio files and other media.
  • Cost and certification
    Free. Certificate available on passing the course.
  • Duration
  • Weekly effort
  • Difficulty level
    Introductory: No previous knowledge required
  • Learning platform
    Open Educational Resources
    Platform image
    Open Educational Resources Logo