
We located 5 results for your search query.

City lit up at night with woman’s face and skeleton outline on top

Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation (Coursera)

Our future is here and it relies on data. How can we ensure that data is part of a just and sustainable world?
City lit up at night with woman’s face and skeleton outline on top

Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation (edX)

Our future is here and it relies on data. How can we ensure that data is part of a just and sustainable world?
body with a data screen

Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine

Learn about the different types of data and computational methods involved in stratified healthcare and precision medicine.
Finger clicking on FinTech option on screen

Future is FinTech

Learn how technological advancements are reshaping financial systems and to build on participants’ knowledge of FinTech applications.
Supercomputing by PRACE


Discover how supercomputers work and the real-life scientific breakthroughs made possible by today’s computer simulations.